One of the main activity I’ve been carrying out with BioPills is the writing and publication of outreach articles on our website. Over the years, I dealt with many subjects, ranging from zoology to ecology, and from book reviews to interviews. You can find all the articles I published by visiting my account page on BioPills.
Here is a collection of some of them:
Miriade. La microscopica moltitudine – Marco Colombo.
2024, book review
Mycosium: il simposio divulgativo di micologia.
2024, interview
The tale of Tal – Gianpaolo di Silvestro e Luca Vergerio.
2023, book review
Correre tutti i rischi. Lettere sull’avventura della ricerca – Charles Darwin.
2021, book review
Sbiancamento dei coralli: cause e conseguenze.
2020, dissemination article
Biodiversità: una ricchezza inestimabile.
2019, dissemination article
Ragno violino (Loxosceles rufescens).
2019, dissemination article
Malmignatta (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus).
2019, dissemination article
Mantide orchidea (Hymenopus coronatus).
2019, dissemination article
CBD: la Convenzione sulla Diversità Biologica.
2019, dissemination article
Mimetismo: quando l’evoluzione diventa arte.
2019, dissemination article
Fauna di Ediacara: un esperimento fallito?.
2019, dissemination article
La medusa immortale (Turritopsis nutricola).
2018, dissemination article
Lo strano caso delle rane deformi.
2018, dissemination article
With BioPills I also collaborated in organizing live webinars dealing with various biological topics. My main role was to moderate the webinar, by introducing the speaker and the topic, and by reading questions from the audience. You can find all the webinars hosted by BioPills on the YouTube channel.
Here is the collection of the webinars I moderated:
Organismi marini biofiltratori: dall’ecologia agli studi sul campo.
2023, speaker: Martina Capriotti
La natura che affascina: biomimesi, sostenibilità e innovazione.
2022, speakers: Stefano Roccio, Gabriele Greco
Tra social network e superorganismi: cosa ci insegnano i più sociali tra gli insetti?.
2022, speaker: Donato Grasso (recording available under request)
Ragni e dintorni: meraviglie e segreti del mondo aracnologico.
2022, speaker: Filippo Castellucci
Epigenetica ed evoluzione: un incontro possibile?.
2022, speaker: Mauro Mandrioli
Tra DNA e specie a rischio.
2021, speakers: Giorgio Bertorelle, Victor H. Muñoz Mora, Nicola Raulli (recording not available)
La nuova rivoluzione verde: un incontro tra genomica e agricoltura.
2021, speaker: Mauro Mandrioli (recording available under request)
DNA barcoding: un codice a barre per ogni specie vivente.
2021, speaker: Maurizio Casiraghi
Aspettando il Darwin Day.
2021, speaker: Guido Barbujani (recording available under request)
Insetti commestibili: dalla preistoria al COVID-19.
2020, speakers: Giulia Maffei, Giulia Tacchini
Un mare di microplastiche: combattere una minaccia invisbile tra immersioni e ricerche scietifiche.
2020, speaker: Martina Capriotti
Every now and then I also partecipate in side activities which involve the collaboration between BioPills and other scientific initiatives.
For example, following SMBE 2023 in Ferrara, Italy, I established a collaboration with “In the Light of Evolution“ (LoE), a scientific outreach project by the Swiss Bionformatic Institute, the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the University of Lausanne. Specifically, the objective was to translate the LoE website into Italian (take a look at the “Banana split story”) and hopefully to jointly organize outreach activities.
Also, for over 2 years BioPills has provided articles to the “Giornale dei Biologi” on a monthly basis. I took care of reviewing articles dealing with zoology, ecology and related articles, and I also wrote my own piece: “Abbiamo ancora bisogno di parlare di fossili viventi?” (which may translate in something like “Is there any use in discussing the living fossil concept?”).